Regeneratrix (n.): a heart-centered human who regenerates herself, others, and the world


The Regeneratrix Program

ignite the process of transformative healing to reclaim deep, lasting health

about the program

Living with chronic health issues is hard. The yo-yoing between feeling ok and feeling like crap, the visits to doctor after doctor where no one takes the time to explain what’s happening to you; the disappointment (in yourself and the process) when the latest attempt to feel better lets you down. 

Things like leaky gut, autoimmunity (thyroid problems, Crohn's, psoriasis), diabetes, chronic pain, PCOS or “adrenal fatigue” take time, consistency and long-term support to truly resolve. ESPECIALLY when you are a heart-centered, empathic person with a huge capacity to care for others, who defaults to taking care of everyone else’s needs before your own - if you see to them at all. 

Even though your body is in need of loving attention, you still find yourself in this vicious cycle of hustle-burnout-crash-repeat. It’s hard not to feel like you’ll be trapped in that never-ending loop for the rest of your days, a bleak horizon that extends outward forever. 

I was once where you are, and have streamlined the most powerful aspects of my journey from depleted to invigorated into the dynamic healing & embodiment experience that is the Regeneratrix Program. I designed it to transform the lives of a handful of clients who are ready to do the deep work, so you can break the cycle of self-neglect and embrace the deep healing you yearn for. 

Perhaps you find yourself ignoring your symptoms until they get so severe you can’t ignore them, only paying attention to them when they interfere with your ability to be productive/keep everybody’s needs met. Or you only allow yourself the “leftovers,” those tiny moments of self-care after all the tasks have been checked off, that never seem to leave your cup feeling full. 

Maybe you’ve noticed that you’ve trained the people around you not to see that you’re withering. A simmering resentment that scares you a little is brewing just outside the frame, flaring up when you’ve reached your breaking point but feel you have no other choice but to keep pouring out energy you don’t have. You know it’s only a matter of time before you explode, collapse, or both.. And you’re just. so. tired. 


You also know there’s another way, and you’re READY to feel vibrant again. You know you were born to experience a day-to-day quality of life that is so high-vibe that the most mundane activities feel decadent. It is your birthright to have abundant reserves of energy - but not like just-had-a-cup-of-coffee energy. Rather: a refilling of the deeper well that causes you to greet life with curiosity, vigor, reverence, playfulness and excitement.

The Regeneratrix Program is a good fit if you:

  • Feel guilty taking the day for yourself

  • It feels selfish or self-indulgent to engage in self-care. 

  • You welcome more explanation and reeducation about why you feel this way, how we got here (and how we get back), and have felt undersupported by other practitioners or methods of care. You’re ready to receive the knowledge and support that will empower you to live your best life. 

  • You hunger to understand your health issues at a deeper level and are frustrated when your doctor dashes in and out of your appointment without taking the time to explain what’s happening to you, but are also suspicious/overwhelmed by what the Interwebs has to say

  • You’re ready to invest something in your own tender care and to show up for a comprehensive regimen of things that work for you

  • You are highly motivated to do the deeper transformative work. There are no short-cuts with this process. This is a journey, not an event, and I invite you to rejoice in that with me.


I loved how sustainable & achievable this program is. Alyssa was so great at listening to me and taking that info to create a thoughtful program that fit my lifestyle and was a mentor throughout the program to reach my goals…She provided insight and science into the supplements, food piece, and movement. Not only did I get a program that was geared toward my goals, but was also provided the education which was AMAZING. I loved understanding why and how each piece of the program fit together and how each step built on the next to meet my goals. When the program is complete, I can walk away knowing I have not only the tools but I have learned building blocks that I can always reference. Throughout the entire program I felt heard and felt like I had someone in my corner to cheer me on every step of the way. I am in SUCH an amazing place mentally, physically, and emotionally all because of Alyssa and her Regeneratrix Program.”

-Taylor, Birmingham

How it works

Here’s how we take you from depleted to invigorated.

When you join the Regeneratrix Program, we carve out the TIME, SPACE, ATTENTION and RESOURCES that are necessary for healing, and long overdue. The custom wellness protocols and the structure of the container itself invites you, over and over again, to receive powerful clarity around the question: “how did you take loving care of yourself this week?” That loving care will leave you with a full battery charge, an abundance that overflows and that you generously offer to yourself and others.

We’ll teach your body how to opt into an entirely new way of experiencing yourself that’s rooted in care, consistency and loving awareness. We dig deep into constructing the life you fantasize about living (yes, that one). You will be showered with custom herbal formulas, curated supplements, and weekly movement/exercise programming to give the soft animal of your body what it is calling out to you for. These will infuse your life with the resources you need to feel held, deeply nourished, well-rested, and energized, so you will be able to say with clear eyes and unapologetic conviction, “I take excellent care of myself.” 


Program Overview

Here’s some of what’s included:

  • Initial 2-hour 1:1 coaching session, where we dive deep and paint a comprehensive picture of allllll aspects of your mental, physical and emotional health. Afterwards, you’ll receive your initial comprehensive protocol, which encompasses food recommendations, supplements, custom-blended herbal formulas, and movement recommendations.

  • Follow-up coaching sessions every 6 weeks where we’ll tweak, troubleshoot, celebrate victories and build momentum.

  • Biweekly check-ins to empower you to make real-time adjustments and the small shifts that become big shifts that become transformations

  • Bespoke weekly movement & exercise programming (strength & conditioning, mobility work, etc) to help you move more, move better and be able to do the things with your body that you want to do.

  • Curated supplements to address your specific nutrient needs 

  • Custom-blended herbal formulas (made by me) to support your system and stimulate self-healing 

Note: the cost of herbal formulas and supplements is not included in your package. 

Photo: Kacey White, Blackwing Media 2020

Photo: Kacey White, Blackwing Media 2020

This program will regenerate you on a deep soul level so you can be the force in your community you were born to become.

Because when we thrive, the world thrives with us.


Tuesday – Saturday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Virtual Consults (Telehealth)