
-Bachelor of Arts in Spanish-English Interpretation & Translation, VCU

-Accelerated Full-Time Clinical Herbalist Program, Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine


-Registered Herbalist (AHG)

-Functional Herbalist (FH), Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine

-C.H.E.F. Coaching Culinary Coach, Institute of Lifestyle Medicine at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Harvard Medical School

-FMT Movement Specialist Basic and Advanced, RockTape


more about me

My practice integrates the rich tradition of Western Herbalism with movement and exercise therapies, clinical nutrition and functional medicine. I draw from the the best of these fields while working to deconstruct the aspects of herbalism and its history that are colonialist, extractive, and otherwise problematic.

Each day, I lay a brick in the foundation of a compassionate, preventative model of care that addresses the root cause, that views the whole person within the unique context that is modern life, and that holds that we can demand more from our health than simply the absence of disease. Alyssa is my name and Saludogenesis is the game.

With a bottomless and enduring love for movement and an affinity for wild things, I nourish myself by practicing mixed martial arts, cooking, scuba diving, and searching the woods for critters great and small.

I’m a sucker for a good contradiction, for the deliciousness of the dynamic tension of opposites. I’ll cozy up to a dialectic over a dichotomy any day. My brand of herbalism embodies that dynamic tension in its weaving of the ancient, the intuitive and the scientific. There are many threads we use to weave a path to the truth; it is not an either-or. I heart science, and I walk the landscape where science cannot tread. See? Dialectical truth. The and/and over the and/or.

I found my way to herbalism by way of organic farming. While teaching hands-on garden education at Jones Valley Teaching Farm, I fed my profound love of science, plants and cooking by connecting Birmingham City School students to food, farming, and the culinary arts through standards-based lessons and after-school programs. If plants were my second love, languages were my first. At Virginia Commonwealth University, I studied legal and medical interpretation and graduated at the top of my class with a certification in Spanish-English Translation and Interpretation and a minor in Arabic.

I have devoted myself to herbal medicine and nutrition for 9 years. Most recently, I completed clinical training at the Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine, where I earned the distinction of Functional Herbalist (FH).